Tuesday 25 March 2014

BHAJA GOVINDAM - Verse 15. -- Regarding Old age

अन्गम् गलितम् पलितम् मुण्डम् |
दशनविहीनम् जातम् तुँडम् |
वृद्धो याति गृहीत्वा दंडम् |
तदपि न मुन्चत्याशा पिंडम् ||  Verse-15

MEANINGS.--  ABOUT THE OLD AGE. -- Shreemad Achaarya Shankara.
1. All parts of the body becomes so poor that  they are fit for limited use only. 2. All hairs over the head have turned white and ripe.  3. All teeth have fallen 4. The tip of the face  got degenerated 5. This old man needs a walking stick to move.
Our unity breaking politicians are the living example for this verse. 
BODY GROWS OLDER AND OLDER -- THE DESIRE GROWS YOUNGER AND YOUNGER   -- !!! -- I pity these betrayers of the National cause.
a). Their body alone grows and the mind and intellect never be elevated to be broad. b). Their mind is not at least broad enough to realize - which part of their body is still usable  c). That is only the  " BRAIN "  which can guide the younger generation.